wedding-cake-407170_1920Having a healthy relationship and attraction between couples is essential for a healthy conjugal life. Intimacy in the bedroom and a healthy sex life is also one of the basic human functions. There are some foods that can enhance your libido, and can bring back some sizzle into your love life. Chocolate candy and music from Kenny G may not be enough to get you into the mood. The right kind of food, healthy diet, and exercise will not only make you look and feel better, but also help you to get enough energy and desire for a better sex life. Besides strength training exercises, food and supplements play a vital role in boosting testosterone levels in men and women.

These seven foods below are sure to give your love life a kick start

Here are a list of seven foods, packed with energy and nutrients to give your love life a boost:

1. Strawberries

berry-197075_1920Strawberries are the best aphrodisiac ever. They are rich in antioxidants which are good for your heart and blood circulation. Good blood circulation is essential for sexual functions. Moreover, the antioxidants and Vitamin C in strawberries increase sperm count in men. Want to add a little more twist to it? Dip the strawberries in dark chocolate to give you some methylxanthines for quick libido activation.

2. Meat

lemon-69756_1280Lean beef, poultry and pork contain plenty of zinc, carnitine, and L-arginine, which helps to improve blood flow, crucial for sexual responses. Beef also has high levels of testosterone. Zinc is also an essential mineral to improve the immune system. However, be careful not to indulge in a meat heavy diet. The high levels of fat can affect your blood circulation;increasing your risk of high blood pressure and heart problems.

3. Oysters

oysters-220955_1920Oysters have been known as the old love food for years. Research done by the American Chemical Society suggests that oysters, clams, and scallops contain ingredients to increase your testosterone levels. A boost in testosterone gives you a higher desire and sexual drive. All kinds of sea food and shell fish also contain high levels of zinc.

4. Fish

salmon-fish-wood-625978-hFish contains high levels of essential nutrients such as Omega-3 fatty acids, calcium,and proteins. Eating plenty of heart healthy tuna, salmon, and halibut may hold the key to your successful sex life. Fish is an excellent healthy diet for giving you energy, lean protein, and clearing up your arteries.

5. Nuts

nuts-237055_1920Nuts such as almonds, cashew, and peanuts contain vitamin E, and zinc, selenium, which are essential for reproduction. Eating walnuts will also supply you with antioxidants.

6. Avocados

Avocados are a super sex drive food, containing Vitamin E, antioxidants, Zinc, and Vitamin B6. They’re also a good source of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, which increases blood flow, reduces the risk of high blood pressure, and helps to maintain better blood circulation.

7. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in potassium,and are good for your libido. They also help you to lower the risk of high blood pressure, and are rich in Vitamin A and beta carotene.

fruit-277872_1920Street drugs and alcohol can be fun at times, but research shows that extensive use of control substances can damage your receptors, the natural reward systems in your brain, and cause damage to the nerves, which will dull your sensation in the long run.

Food can be the best medicine in many ways. It gives you the desired results with no side effects, and usually gives you some added benefits if you choose your food carefully. The important thing to remember is that eating anything that helps you improve your heart condition, hormonal secretion, improves your metabolism, is good for your health and sex drive.

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Source: Balanced Life Team