Fish is one of the main sources of protein around the world. It’s also the number one choice of people when they go out to eat. But people often wonder is seafood safe? Is it as good for you as you thought it was? This article will talk about health benefits and health issues of seafood.

Safe seafood is one of the best foods for your body. It supplies your body essential nutrients like proteins, vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids that improves your heart health and helps in brain development.

Seafood is also good for the economy. Recreational and Commercial fisheries generate over 80 billion dollars a year for our economy. Seafood production through aquaculture is also increasing due to the benefits and the rising demand of seafood around the world.

Health benefits of eating fish

large_4387804393Fish is regarded as the ultimate superfood. The Sydney Morning Herald says “If anything we eat is worthy of being called a ”superfood” it has to be fish. Studies have proven fish oil can help alleviate a seemingly endless list of conditions, from heart disease to rheumatoid arthritis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, menstrual pain and even weight loss.” Below are more health benefits of eating fish.

1. Protects your heart

Seafood contains omega-3 fatty acids that aid in the treatment of various heart diseases. It also helps to fight high cholesterol, depression and anxiety. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), clinical trials have shown that omega 3 could effectively reduce the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD).

2. Enhances brain power and memory

Research conducted at the Louisiana State University shows that essential fatty acids found in seafood, including EPA and DHA, helps in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. It could also help treat children with ADHD or ADD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).   In another study posted on WebMd shows that DHA boosts memory.

3. Beneficial for your skin

Experts say the omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA in fish oil are nutritious and beneficial for your skin. It helps improve skin condition and has anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. Fish oil is also helpful for “eczema and psoriasis,” says Dr. Nina Wines, a dermatologist form Northern Sydney. ”And there’s evidence fish oil helps with the sebum or fatty-acid content of the skin, which keeps skin hydrated.” She added.

4. Improves hair

Eating fish regularly has many cosmetic benefits. In addition to improving your skin conditions, the healthful fatty acids found in fish also improves your hair condition, protects your hair from sun’s damaging rays and also boosts your hair quality.

“According to a 2009 article in “Dermatoendocrinology,” polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as those found in fish oil, can improve hair quality and density, decrease instances of hair loss and restore an overall hair cycle balance.” – The Benefits of Fish Oil for the Hair and Skin | LIVESTRONG.COM

5. Boosts immune system

It is believed that the nutrients and fatty acids found in fish oil boosts your immune system and helps fight most common germs that you come across every day. Eating fish everyday will improve your overall health, and also enhance your internal organs so that they work better.

Dangers with Seafood

The only danger concerning seafood is the method of farming, so you must pay attention to where and how your fish was raised. When you buy seafood try to find out the origin or source of your fish. If your fish were raised in a sustainable environment, with organic or natural and sustainable aquaculture systems, it would be safe for consumption.

If your fish were raised in highly contaminated water, overcrowded fish farms, or raised using GMO food or unnatural environment, it may contain chemical residue, hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, herbicides, and other pollutants, that may be harmful for you. Fish also may be sick or suffering from diseases, bacterial, fungal, or viral infections that may cause diseases in humans.

Is seafood still safe to eat?

Video Source: euronews Knowledge

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Source: WorldWide Aquaculture

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